The objective of this document is to ensure the health and safety of all persons present at TSH in the event of an emergency evacuation situation and to identify the types of emergency situations that may occur.


The purpose of this policy and plan is to provide staff with relevant up-to-date information and guidelines to follow in the event of an emergency, such as:
• Priorities during an emergency situation
• Roles, Responsibilities and Positions – Incident Controller, Deputy Incident Controller, Building Wardens
• Responsibilities of other TSH staff at the time of an emergency evacuation
• Types of Emergency Situations and the procedures to follow


The scope of this policy (with the exception of the Wembley specific evacuation plan and procedure) is for all persons present (staff and others) at the time of an emergency at all TSH sites.

Staff located off-site such as Outpost, Pilbara, Cockburn, the Wheatbelt need to familiarise themselves with the Evacuation Plans and Procedures that are in place at their workplace location.


Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA)
School Education Act 1999
School Education Regulations 2000
Privacy Act 1998
Standards Australia AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management Guidelines
Standards Australia AS 3745:2010 Emergency Control Organisation and Procedures for Buildings, Structures and Workplaces
Standards Australia HB 221:2004 Business Continuity Management
Standards Australia HB 292:2006 A practitioner’s guide to business

Other relevant TSH policies and documents include:
Risk Management Policy
Child Abduction Response Plan
Workplace Health and Safety Policy
Venue Hire Policy
Volunteer Policy
First Aid Policy
Induction Checklist
Employee Onboarding Policy
Critical, Serious and Notifiable Incident
Bushfire Emergency Evacuation Plan
Two Way Instruction Manuals


The Emergency Management Plan provides staff with a procedure to follow in the event of an emergency / evacuation and identifies what is expected of staff in certain positions throughout the centre should an emergency occur.

It is essential that TSH covers all the following four areas in the emergency management plan:
Prevention – minimise hazards and risks
Preparedness – establish plans, procedures, and roles
Response – carry out immediate response actions
Recovery – return site to normal

The Incident Controller is responsible for completing relevant drills on a periodic basis to prepare staff and ensure the effectiveness of our procedures (Refer to Appendix 13 – Emergency Evacuation Exercise – Observer Checklist). Such drills will be completed no less than four times per year.

Formal training will occur with Emergency Management Team members every two years. All training and drills should be recorded Appendix 14 – Training Program Record.

All new employees, volunteers and contractors will be provided with an overview of TSH Emergency Management Policy and Plan as part of their induction.


This policy may be updated or revised from time to time. TSH will notify all staff each time the Policy has been updated. If you are unsure whether you are reading the most current version, you should contact the CEO or People and Culture Business Partner.

Originated Version 1 April 2015
Updated Version 2 July 2015
Updated Version 3 April 2016
Updated Version 4 April 2017
Updated Version 5 November 2018
Updated Version 6 April 2019
Updated Version 7 April 2021
Updated Version 8 October 2022
Updated Version 9 November 2023