Emergency Appeal - TSH

























Now more than ever, our children need your support.

Not long ago, our centre was filled with young children receiving much-needed educational and therapeutic relief for their hearing, speech and language challenges.

Today, we all face a once in a lifetime event that has caused great disruption and disarray to all of our lives. 

As we respond to the ever-changing disruption caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, your support of our centre is more important than ever. Telethon Speech & Hearing is committed to supporting vulnerable children and families to speak, hear, connect and learn, but COVID-19 has added an extra burden on our resources.

As an Independent School, therapy provider and health provider, we have kept our school-based programs open, with extra precautions around hygiene and personal care to keep every child, family and staff member safe. Additionally, we now deliver therapy and other services using tele-based methods so families can access services online. These increased measures have put great pressure and strain on our team as we struggle to keep up with demand.

Telethon Speech & Hearing is committed to helping children receive the best education and therapy they deserve despite the challenges we face, but we can’t do it without your support. Donate now!

Early intervention is critical in the early years of a child’s life where there are concerns with their hearing, speech and language. It provides them with the support they need to develop learning skills that will positively impact the rest of their lives.

During these uncertain times, we will continue to provide certainty to these children and their families by offering early intervention via Teletherapy. By giving generously, you will ensure children continue to receive vital supports while those families that feel the financial impact of this crisis remain connected during the most vulnerable times.

We cannot do this without your support.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your support. This will make us all stronger.

Where our children need help

Listening and speaking

Early intervention is vital for young children with hearing loss. Our Chatterbox program utilises a 'learn through play' philosophy to help children with hearing loss learn to listen and speak through playful age-appropriate group and individual therapies.

Speech and language

Our Talkabout program offers intensive therapy in small groups in both playgroup and classroom settings. Children are supported by speech pathologists, teachers, education assistants and a range of allied health professionals.

NDIS support

TSH is a registered NDIS provider and supports families with transparent, unbiased advice to help parents be the best advocate for their child.