2018 First Voice Review | Telethon Speech & Hearing
A photo of Anna, Marco and Zoe, children with hearing disability helped by the First Voice project

First Voice 2018 Year in Review

The past 12-18 months have been busy and productive for First Voice and its member centres, including Telethon Speech & Hearing.

TSH is very proud to have spent the past year working with other childhood hearing loss centres across Australia, New Zealand and the globe to ensure children who are deaf or hard of hearing achieve the best possible speech, language, education and social outcomes.

We are very proud to be a part of this international alliance with key highlights including:

– Solid progress with the Australian Government and NDIA regarding access, referral and funding arrangements for DHH children under Australia’s new NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme

– Our continued campaign for hearing health to be recognised as Australia’s 10th National Health Priority

– National Power of Speech Awards at Parliament House in Canberra, demonstrating the extraordinary achievements of young First Voice centre graduates

– Two new members, the Royal Institute for Blind & Deaf Children in Australia and Auditory Verbal UK from the United Kingdom. RIDBC membership means that First Voice now represents the overwhelming majority of deaf or hard of hearing children under six years in Australia who have chosen a hearing, listening and speaking future.

The First Voice 2018 Year in Review showcases the great work of First Voice over 2017/18 and demonstrates our commitment to research and advocacy and ensuring that children with hearing loss are given the best chance to realise their full potential in life.

Click here to view the full report.

Click here to view more about TSH’s membership with First Voice.